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Importance of Mental Strength

Hello everyone, it's been a while since I have last posted my article on Depression. Actually, due to my laptop breakdown, I was unable to post anything.

Well, coming to the point, let's discuss about Why do we need to be Mentally Strong?

It's not people are in-born mentally strong or mentally weak. We all possess some degree of mental strength, but there's always gap for improvement.

Developing mental strength is about improving your ability to control your emotions, manage your thoughts and behave in a positive way, despite your circumstances. Just as there are those among us who are naturally inclined to develop physical strength more easily than others, mental strength seems to come more naturally for some people. Besides, other people need to work to develop mental strength.

Mental & Emotional toughness is the ability where you have the strength to handle difficult situations with understanding and intelligence, ability to let go things which didn't serve your way, you grow as a person and you walk in the path of becoming the best version of yourself. 

There are many things that happens in our life, which is against our control and will absolutely break you down like anything. Being mental tough person is the only way to kick out the negativity and failures and continue, despite setbacks.

Importance of Mental Strength

There are several factors to determine the way at which you develop your mental strength:
  • Genetics - Genes play an important role in whether or not you may be more prone to mental health issues, such as mood disorders.
  • Personality - Some people naturally have a unique personality traits that help them to remain bold, positive and practical in nature. Again it all depends on individual's genes.
  • Experiences - Your life experiences impact how you think about yourself, other people, and the world around us. You can’t change some of these factors. You can’t erase a bad childhood. You can’t control the things that happened to you. But it doesn’t mean that you are not capable to increase your mental strength.

The following factors determines the characteristics of Mentally Weak Person.

1. Self Deprecation / Self Pity

We all experience pain and sorrow. Although, sadness is normal and healthy sign, dwelling and focusing on it is self destructive.

  • These kind of people always have tendency to talk in terms of how bad things always happens to them, that they don't get time to carry out there passions, interests, always complaining about how others are wrong and how they are always right.
  • In short, these people always consider themselves to be victim of environment, people and that they can't do anything but to suffer.
  • These people always chase things, peoples and struggle throughout there life to find happiness.
  • These people always feel sorry for the way they think, for the way they speak, for the way they don't get what they deserve.

How can you stop Feeling Sorry for yourself?

  • Do things that makes you harder to involve in a Self Pity party. You can practice meditation, personality development course, physical exercises, developing your interests, passions, reading useful novels, avoid spending more time on social media, and changing your way of thinking.
  • Practice gratitude instead of pity. You have many reasons to stay grateful and happy. Keep writing journal if needed, and note down the points to which you feel grateful for in your life. The reason you are not aware, is you constantly focus on the things you lack in your life.
  • Shift your attitude and you are good to live a better life.

2. Lack of Self Confidence and Self Love

  • These kind of people lack confidence in themselves. They fear of consequences that will happen if they speak out there mind with other people.
  • They consider themselves, they can't take any responsibility and often try to run from such situations.
  • They never take initiatives, and just sit and wait for others to take the opportunity.
  • They always have serious mode ON for whole day and are always depressed even if nothing had happened.
  • They hate themselves in some way and always wish to be some of the best kind of themselves without taking any actions.
  • They don't take actions because they fear of what others will react and think about them.
How can you gain Confidence?
  • Practice Meditation for 15 minutes on daily basis, work on yourself, believe in yourself, make your mind clear.
  • Try to observe your weaknesses and work on it.
  • Practice helping other people without expecting anything in return.
  • Always speak your mind, and sometimes purposefully put yourself in uncomfortable situations.

3. Chasing Mentality

  • Well, it's always good to give respect and importance to other people, if that person deserves it.
  • But do note, there is fine gap between importance and over-importance.
  • You will only worship other person, and chase them down when you have lack of self-belief within yourself.
  • The problem of giving over-importance to a person than yourself is it leads to excessive emotional attachment and now you have been stucked in the trap wherein you are now emotionally dependent on them.
  • Attachment and Connection to a person or things are good and healthy signs. It denotes that you have mutual bonding, caring, understanding to form healthy friendships/relationships.
  •  The problem arises when you develop an excessive form of attachment which is purely unhealthy.
  • From then, your mood & behavior depends on the words they speak and how they treat you on daily basis. If they appreciate you, you will be excited like anything. If suddenly they went cold, you will develop anger, frustrations, worry and all forms of negativity.

4. Giving your power

  • Well, you take other person's comments, there words so seriously, that you will immediately react to them in anger, instead of logically thinking, "Is the comment made by that person for me, is true or it's just his/her point of view. If it's true, well I would need to make those changes in myself."
  • Giving your power means, other persons can control your mind, your emotions, can make you feel bad, can make you feel happy, excited etc.

5. Jealousy / Insecurity 

  • You get insecure when you develop fear of losing people from your life.
  • You get jealous of your friends, your closed ones, once you observe they are making efforts of improving and getting success in their life.
  • You tend to criticize, ignore them just to satisfy your own ego and feel better.
Importance of Mental Strength

6. Expectations

  • You expect that other people should always agree with your terms, with whatever you speak. Well, in such case, feel free to face lots of disappointments.
  • You expect others to treat you well. Well, there's nothing wrong in expecting that. The problem comes when you yourself don't treat well, how can you expect others to treat you well.
  • One more fact, some people always make sure to let others down in every possible way and still expect to treat them well. Acknowledge yourself first, and see your own strength.
  • Many people have tendency to expect from others that they should understand us, without you speaking a word about it.
  • You expect other people should make you there priority, when you don't even consider yourself to be a valuable person.
  • You expect that some people will come in your life and solve all your problems and difficulties when you yourself are incapable of handling your situations.

7. Overthinking

  • You continuously keep thinking about certain thoughts, and you are not able to keep your mind calm, you are not able to get those thoughts out of your mind.
  • Overthinking makes you incapable of making decisions in your life and you are always confused and not firm, even for making small decisions.
  • You slowly tend to become a passive person, instead of remaining an active, energetic one. You fear of taking actions, and you are mentally disturbed about the things you lack or you don't have.
  • You can't enjoy your life, you can't interact openly with people, and you can't focus on the things, once overthinking captures your mind.
  • It's one of the important source for depression, and sometimes even leads to suicide.

8. You focus on the things you can't control

  • You try to change other people's behavior, against there will, as per you want and you feel. This is the most destructive factor as when you take initiative to change others forcefully without there will, you will always suffer.
  • You can't control, how other person will respond to you, what other people have opinion about you etc.
  • The best thing is to focus on the things you can control such as your emotions, your thinking, your perspective, changing yourself instead of worrying to change others.

9. Dwelling in past

  • You remain sad, depressed all the time thinking about bad memories which happened in past.
  • The best thing is to learn from your mistakes and move on.
  • You need to always stay in present and stop dwelling in past. Also, some people have tendency to think about future and worry about it. 

10. Fear to remain alone.

  • Well, we as a human, we are very much in-born social creatures. It is must that we have to make friends, relationships, bonding with peoples.
  • The problem comes when we get attached to it. We get panic when in some point of time, if there's no one around, we tend to develop fearful thoughts of loneliness.
  • Often sometimes, it's always better to take a step back and live alone, travel alone. It helps in identifying ourselves, our fears and helps to develop you as a person.

11. Giving up and crying for failure.

  • Well, personally speaking I have always been fan of John Cena [WWE] since childhood days, and his life rule, Never Give Up.
  • Well, to speak, mentally weak people always have tendency to blame others for there failure, instead of taking whole responsibility for it.
  • Mentally Tough people, never take there failures personally, and they have proper understanding of the things they are going after.

Importance of Mental Strength

  • Because of all the above points, it is necessary to be mentally and emotionally strong as it helps you get a clear picture of who you are, what you are capable of, how to deal with situations etc.
  • Our human brain is like a small child, whatever you feed it on inside, our brain considers it to be true. It will consciously/subconsciously never make you aware if it's wrong or correct.
  • So make habit of feeding positive thoughts to yourself repeatedly until it becomes a part of your life.
  • It doesn't matter how many good things you inherit in your life, if you didn't throw out and give up your bad things, your bad behaviors, you cannot reach your full potential.

Lets summarize few of the points of how can we overcome bad habits.

  1. Work on Self Confidence & Self Love.
  2. Always focus on the things you can control & the things you have.
  3. Daily Physical Exercise and Meditation.
  4. Be Happy at the present moment even if you don't have anything right now. Always wear a pleasant smile.
  5. Be bold & always speak out your mind without any fears.


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