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I am glad to inform you that this is my very first blog article dated June 28, 2020.

To start with, I would discuss the topic which is the Mindset of people.

We all have experienced in our life, where we have failed in our areas due to negativity, frustrations. Well, the solution to the problem is quite simple.
Since from childhood days, I was curious to know why some people get tick,
  • Why it is that some people get everything they want to achieve, and other's continue to struggle with difficulties?
  • Why it is that some people reach at the top of their success career and others struggle throughout their life?
  • Why it is that two people have completely different reactions to the same event?
  • Why some people have none to few friends and others have lots of social circle around them?
  • Well, the answer to this question isn't always visible at the surface level, but it comes to a clear picture, when you dig around a little bit, you see it's all about our mindset.
It is the mindset which describes you what type of person you are, how people approach you, how they think about you, and what are you going to achieve in your life.
What Is Mindset and Why Mindset Is Important?

Mindset is what you have set your mind up to think. The way that we think and respond to every thought is determined by our mindset. This means that everything that happens to us, our mind searches for how we have been set up to think and respond, and we behave accordingly.

Let's demonstrate with a short scenario.

☺ Imagine a scenario, wherein if its a cold rainy morning and the alarm goes off to wake you up.

☺ You just remembered that you have got your gym workout session to attend.

☺ It's warm in your bed and you are tired of waking up.

☺ For most of the cases, it would be so easy to not go to the gym.

What would you do in such scenario?

☺ Well here is the magic of our mindset. You will do whatever you have set your mind to do.

☺ If you have trained your mind that desires you to be highly valuable for fitness and health, and being healthy is an integral part of your well being, then you will go to the gym.

☺ However, if fitness and health is not the top priority, and being staying warm in bed is more important for you, then you will probably roll over and continue sleeping.

☺ In either cases, there is no right or wrong answer.

☺ The only thing to consider is that, Will the second part of thinking give me the results that I want?

Mindset all starts in the following way:






  • It all starts with the thoughts we think of something, or something happens to us, around us that causes to have a thought about that thing.
  • We then have feeling about that thought. As humans, the way we feel about something typically determines how we behave.
  • So, our feelings will trigger our actions and behavior we have.
  • We would have some sort of consequences that repeated behaviors will produce in long-term.
  • Those consequences will determine the results that we currently get in any aspect of our life.
  • It doesn't matter the results is in our business, our career, even in our relationships status or dealing with life itself.
So, most importantly, the only question you need to ask yourself is, Do I like the results that I am currently getting?

If your answer is yes, then you can continue your daily routine. In fact, enhance your mindset in other areas and work on it to make it even better.

However, if the answer is no, then to get different results, you need to change the way you think, the way you see yourself and others, you must need to work on yourself, develop your understanding nature, and evolve your mindset to next level.

According to researcher Carol Dweck, Stanford University psychologist, there are two types of mindsets:

The Fixed and Growth Mindset
  • People with fixed mindsets, believe that intelligence and skills are innate; it's something that we either have born gifted or not, there is no room for change.
  • People with growth mindsets, believe that intelligence or skill in any field, can be developed through effort. They believe that anyone can nurture their abilities in anything.
  • A lot of research shows that growth mindset people are more successful than people with limited mentality.
  • Fixed mindset people lack confidence. They avoid challenging difficult situations because they believe talent and intelligence are fixed, and they can't do anything about it. They look failures as an assault to who they are as a person.
  • On the other hand, people with growth mindset are much more resilient which allows them to overcome challenges and difficult situations. They are not afraid of taking risks.
  • Fixed mindset people get jealous from other people's success. They don't believe in themselves, as a result they develop jealousy and insecurity within themselves.
  • Growth mindset people get inspired from other people's success. They found a way to learn from their success and often they help people to succeed in their life as well.

How one can switch from Fixed Mindset to Growth Mindset?

  • Stay out of your comfort zone.
  •  Be optimistic.
  • Stop complaining  about how bad things happens to you and take your full responsibility.
  • View failure as an opportunity and learn from it. Acknowledge your weaknesses.
  • Don't chase for other people's approval.
  • Stop wasting time feeling sorry for yourself [Self deprecation].
  • Stop giving up easily after facing major setback in your life.
  • Believe in yourself.
  • Work on your confidence.
  • Eliminate your fears by facing it.

  • Our mindset affects the results that we are currently getting.
  • We can change our mindset to more optimistic, to get different results.


  1. Great Work Devendra, Really Happy for you , you are always a doer keep doing it

  2. Well done Devendra...🙌🏻🥰 Keep it up... Great work mitra💯

  3. Well explain bro about the mindset of human

  4. खूपच चांगल्या प्रकारे मांडले आहे भावा.... !!!

  5. Beautifully crafted and well explained.

  6. A wonderfully elaborated and well explained blog.

  7. It's so really life eg. I like the way you explain Dev . Good one.


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