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25 Pushups, 25 Days Challenge

25 Pushups, 25 Days Challenge

Well, due to Coronavirus [COVID-19] Pandemic, the government has laid lockdown all over India from past 4 months. Honestly, speaking we don't even know, when all the outside conditions will come back to normal state as it was before the rise of Coronavirus.

We have even recently came up with the news, that some of IT firm companies had granted there employees to continue Working From Home till the end of this year i.e. 31st December 2020.

Day by Day, many people are getting affected due to Coronavirus. At initial stage in India, there where probably around 10 thousands [10,000] cases approximately in a single day.

Now, currently we are on the verge of closing to the count, matching with USA and Brazil. At present scenario, there had been major rise in COVID cases from 10 thousands to 50 thousands [50,000] all over the country in a single day. Also, day by day there had been slow rise in death cases as well.

Well, I am not here to make you afraid about the outside situations.

The only thing I need to remind you, as everyone's all aware, is that in order to survive against COVID, we all should have strong immunity power so that our body defends against germs, viruses and bacteria.

25 Pushups, 25 Days Challenge

There are couple of ways which helps us in boosting our Immunity Strength.

1. Having Healthy Diet

  • It includes healthy nutritional foods like various vegetables including green leafy vegetables, Citrus Fruits, Warm Milk with pinch of turmeric added to it, soups, kadha, garlic, lemons, ginger, green Tea etc. to name a few.
  • Secondly, consumption of more amount of junk foods kills your Immunity power rapidly. It's not you should completely stop eating junk foods, it's only it would be better to have consumption in limit.

2. Having Healthy Lifestyle

  • You can maintain healthy lifestyle by daily physical exercise for atleast 30 - 60 minutes per day.
  • You should have proper uninterrupted sleep for approximately 8 hours per day.
  • You can choose either for walking, cycling, jogging for minimum 30 minutes per day.
  • Eating & Sleeping Timings are must important, meaning it's better to have fixed time duration for your sleep and lunch/dinner/breakfast.
25 Pushups, 25 Days Challenge

Talking about physical exercise, recently there had been a challenge event going on Facebook for 25 pushups for 25 Days Challenge.

Well, this challenge is just to raise awareness for PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), Anxiety and Depression that drive people to commit suicide.

You never really know what someone has been facing and what's going on in the background.

The rules are simple:
  • Once you are nominated by someone, your 25 days starts the very next day.
  • Everyday you will make recording of yourself doing 25 push-ups, even if you have to drop on your knees to reach the count 25.
  • Everyday, if someone is willing to accept challenge, you must nominate that person.
Let's make sure that everyone knows how important mental and physical wellbeing is and if you need to reach out to someone, know you are not alone and we all are here for you.

Don't be afraid to speak out!!! I believe daily 1 min gratitude practice can help great deal...Be grateful and Stay safe 😊


There might be few people who will come up with question in there mind, "Why there's rule to record your pushups and upload it?"

Well, it's all upto you and there's no compulsion.

The only intention behind this is to create awareness among people, so that atleast few people will get motivated and they will start to practice exercises on a daily basis.

We can say that there's few benefits which you receive from this challenge:

1. It will boost your mood, helps to develop positive attitude, to maintain good immune system, and off course it helps you build your muscle strength.

2. Practicing on a daily basis might encourage some people who where less interested in physical exercise initially, and he/she will start to make up there mind for physical exercise.

3. The 25 Pushups challenge, initially started by one person, and recently it had spread to few more people's.

25 Pushups, 25 Days Challenge


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